Monday, January 9, 2012

Time. Time. Time. More Time.

Quick note here...
If you think for one minute that you can start making money online, tell your boss to go to hell, and live a completely normal financial existence... Please allow me to practice these words with you...
        'I'm sorry sir, I meant to tell you to go give'em hell... Not to go to hell. And the reason I was out for so long is a severe blow to the head that, well, got better. OH MY GOD CAN I JUST PLEASE HAVE MY JOB BACK?!!!

There is one common denominator that reoccurs anywhere I go to do any kind of research on making money online. Time. Particularly if you are trying to do everything for free. Time. Time. And more time. You want a better page rank? You can do it! But it takes time. You want customers to visit your site? You need to do what it takes in order for them to find you. Keywords are great, but everyone uses them. So unless you are trying to sell something so unique (unlikely if you are spreading around an affiliate page), that not many people have used the particular terms you've chosen, your hits  will be seen in the single digits for quite some time.

Not that I'm any marketing guru, but I've spent allot of hours struggling when I at first didn't think I had to. My bad... Maybe you could have a better mindset than I may have at the start, by realizing right now... Whatever venture you are trying your hand at while staring into a square or a rectangle emitting a pretty blue light, You will need your current job for quite some time. There's that word again!


  1. Hey Man Great blog site!

    keep up the good work


  2. I know exactly what you mean! And your success depends on whether you can just keep going for long enough! lol


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