Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Craig's List: As Cut and Dry as it Gets

     As the title states, Craig's List is by far the most cut and dry portal to make some quick cash. There are hundreds of sites out there that will give you hints, tips, and pointers to get you started. This isn't a how to manual. But to make short of it...

  1. Clean the dust off of the 3 year old Christmas gift that Aunt Bessie gave you as a pot luck. 
  2. Figure out what it's worth.
  3. Figure out what you'll most likely get for it. Remember, if you are trying to get rid of something that can be purchased at a local department store, you better make it a good deal. Of course this depends on allot, but keep in the back of your head... Would you buy it for the price you set? Or would you wait till the next time you head in to town to stop at Walmart for that fancy lamp? Make it worthwhile for someone to wait on the mailman. 
  4. If you can, figure out shipping before you place the ad. Unless you don't mind inviting complete strangers into your home, or don't mind driving all over the place, I'd stick to shipping whenever possible. If this is what you opt for, be sure to have a fair price to ship. If you don't have much experience in shipping anything, get some. Poke around on the UPS or USPS sites to get quotes for the package you would be sending. If there's any real size or weight to the item, and you're not forward to the buying party about shipping costs, you may either tick off the customer and push them to change their mind with the unexpected added costs, or lose your shirt.
Overall... Craig's List works, and you get what you put in. With any luck when it comes to acquiring items to get rid of, it is possible to get back much more than that! All daily principals apply just like anything. No magic cash button. 
     Hit Google for better tips, trends, or methods to make your life a bit easier while trying this out. Like stated above, this isn't a how to manual, just a quick and dirty rundown. 

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