Friday, January 13, 2012

My Brain is Always Under Construction

It's been a few days since I've completed a post on here. I am trying different things out in order to have an honest thing or two to say. Advertising programs, Affiliate programs, Web traffic to your site kind of stuff. All free. My objective is to educate myself with some descent things out there to share with you. Read the post under this one. TIME! Please check back often for new posts.

Like stated in an earlier post, this is an ongoing project!


  1. I was wondering if you have had experience with the Commission Junction. I've signed up with them but still no luck. Thank you for your website. It is a good place to reflect on subjects.

    1. No, I haven't had a chance to yet. But I strongly recommend that you check out this link. I don't know if this is common place for CJ, but it's a bit scary...

      Wish I could be more help.


Feel free to leave a comment. I did adjust the comments box to be as backlink friendly as possible, as I've always appreciated when others have done the same. I invite you to leave one, but any that are only backlinks will be deleted. I mean c'mon... at least add a comment with it!