I've been using a combination of EasyHits4U & Traffup with great success for the site below. I'd highly suggest it to anyone. See some previous posts, or the ads on this blog for more info.
Cheaper Parts from Fabrication Services:
'via Blog this'
Online Income Observations
This is a blog that covers the ins and outs of making money through the internet. Nothing is asked of you here, but to read along as the posts roll through as they come. I hope you find it helpful! ALSO, I'm willing to swap links if you'd like. I adjusted the comments box to be as backlink friendly as possible, I've always appreciated when others have done the same. I invite you to leave one. Backlinks only will be deleted. I mean c'mon... at least add a comment with it!
Friday, July 27, 2012
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Is Alexa really worth working toward?
Here's an eye opening post from sourceblogger.com concerning the drive for the great Alexa rank. Is it worth it anymore? Check it out.
How I Destroyed My Blog’s Alexa Rank – And I Couldn’t Be Happier!:
'via Blog this'
How I Destroyed My Blog’s Alexa Rank – And I Couldn’t Be Happier!:
'via Blog this'
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Finally Impressed Enough to Let it Go!
It's about time!
I've never paid a dime for traffic to this site, or any other site I've kicked off. NOT EVER! I've left comments, reviewed sites, clicked like an animal, guessed at SEO, etc, etc... This is the first time since the creation of this site that I am going to actually write about a Traffic Exchange.
EasyHits4u.com is a great traffic site. The ad/pic in this post will take you there, and if you sign up, yes you will be my Referral! ;)... If you actually choose to use it, you will see a big difference. I've never been on there and seen less than 1,200 people on at one time. There are well over 500,000 members! Be as active as possible, and you'll start seeing connection requests from other members, which is great for business relations.
The more you surf, the more people will visit your site! Visibility is everything. I usually surf several hundred a day (time permitting). Between the added traffic, connection requests & other contacts I've made on here, I was so impressed with the site that I decided to become a premium member. Just about $7.90 for an entire month. This gave me all kinds of benefits that allow me to spend less time surfing & more time to do other things. 1:1 ratio at 10 to 15 second intervals! Moreover, Anything generating money on my blog has been receiving more action. The other blogs that I've done that are in the blog list to the right have been visited more as well. This tells me there are real people on there, finding interest.
You don't know me from a hole in the wall, but let me tell you... I am incredibly cheap. I never pay for anything online if I can get by doing it for free. In fact, If you've read my blog, you'll see the nature of what I am trying to achieve, rooting out scams & showing people how not to get duped... This is the first program that I've actually paid for because I was that satisfied with the free results.
I know that this post has turned into just a big add, but I do it with a clear conscience because it really does work. I'm not just trying to conjure up referrals, but if that happens as a result, cool! What you may not know is that I've tried fifteen to twenty different traffic sites in the past month. The most popular (I think) would be traffic swarm. But, well, to be frank, it's just not for me. My two favorites are EasyHits4U & Traffup. Links for EasyHits4U are at the top of this post and also to the right, Traffup is also to the right.
I know that this post has turned into just a big add, but I do it with a clear conscience because it really does work. I'm not just trying to conjure up referrals, but if that happens as a result, cool! What you may not know is that I've tried fifteen to twenty different traffic sites in the past month. The most popular (I think) would be traffic swarm. But, well, to be frank, it's just not for me. My two favorites are EasyHits4U & Traffup. Links for EasyHits4U are at the top of this post and also to the right, Traffup is also to the right.
Traffup is great to get more hits to your site, more twitter followers, and to have others re-tweet your messages. A++ on all that. The only thing is, well, that's it. No bonuses, and the affiliate program will get you 50 points each person that signs up. Ever. 50 points 1 time. Not too impressive on that end. I definitely recommend it, don't get me wrong. They are a powerful source of raw hits to your site. But there isn't much to talk about in the frills department.
Well, that's it for now. Hope all you site owners and bloggers give it a shot if you are looking for more viewers. Especially bloggers. I never really see too many blogs in there.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
How many drips does it take to fill a fifty five gallon drum? The answer would be....
All of them!
Through my ventures in checking out different online marketing programs, affiliate systems, and traffic exchanges, I've learned quickly that there is no such thing as having all your eggs in one basket.
There is no 'Dream' program that will let you retire in a week. If you've been keeping up with me on this site, you already know that. However, I do see the potential that exists through time and work involving what I'm going to call Multi Faceted Maneuvering. Yes... By God... It's an 'M' word! Two even! (See previous post for relevance)
If the world has been kind to you, it's likely that you have ten fingers. If you've been on a computer for a while, chances are you type with more than one finger, right? There was a time that if I hurt one index finger, my typing capacity was cut down 50%... Anyways... If you needed to type a page for some reason, and used only one index finger, it would probably take you the rest of your life, right? Yes it would. But what happens when you use every finger you've got available to you? You're done in time to catch the next episode of something with Gordon Ramsey in it.
Right now, I have ads on the page that produce a drip or two. Traffic exchanges I'm currently involved with give me a few more. I've got a few other sites out there with adsense that are slowly dripping... None of it is a big deal, till you start to tally things up. The more things you have going on, the more simultaneous drips are landing in the bucket.
So the moral of this post is to be as online ambidextrous as possible, keeping an eye on everything you have set out to do. Eventually, things will add up and make life just a little bit more pleasant.
All of them!
Through my ventures in checking out different online marketing programs, affiliate systems, and traffic exchanges, I've learned quickly that there is no such thing as having all your eggs in one basket.
There is no 'Dream' program that will let you retire in a week. If you've been keeping up with me on this site, you already know that. However, I do see the potential that exists through time and work involving what I'm going to call Multi Faceted Maneuvering. Yes... By God... It's an 'M' word! Two even! (See previous post for relevance)
If the world has been kind to you, it's likely that you have ten fingers. If you've been on a computer for a while, chances are you type with more than one finger, right? There was a time that if I hurt one index finger, my typing capacity was cut down 50%... Anyways... If you needed to type a page for some reason, and used only one index finger, it would probably take you the rest of your life, right? Yes it would. But what happens when you use every finger you've got available to you? You're done in time to catch the next episode of something with Gordon Ramsey in it.
Hence the title of this post Drip...Drip...Drip. Similar to the typing example above, Multi Faceted Maneuvering can eventually fill your bucket with drips. Which way would be quicker? One drip at a time, or several? Multi Faceted means to spread your eggs around, Maneuvering would stand for keeping up with everything to make it work. And you do have keep up with everywhere you decide to participate in. Keep up, keep track, & keep going.
Right now, I have ads on the page that produce a drip or two. Traffic exchanges I'm currently involved with give me a few more. I've got a few other sites out there with adsense that are slowly dripping... None of it is a big deal, till you start to tally things up. The more things you have going on, the more simultaneous drips are landing in the bucket.
So the moral of this post is to be as online ambidextrous as possible, keeping an eye on everything you have set out to do. Eventually, things will add up and make life just a little bit more pleasant.
Friday, January 20, 2012
'M' Words
Here are some key terms that you may stumble into through your day to day searching for the right opportunities. I've noticed that these almost sci-fi sounding terms pepper the internet, especially when it comes to money making splash pages, and other sites of the like. Oddly enough, they appear to be 'M' words.
I think that these terms are used for a few reasons. I could be either right or wrong, but there are reasons that have little or nothing to do with the opportunity or product being pitched. You've seen them... And if you haven't yet, you will. Take a few minutes to review some sites that claim to make you money online. Eventually you will run into any one, if not all of these terms.
Multiplexes, Matrix, Maximizers, Multipliers, Mega
Here are the definitions that I picked from Websters Online Dictionary. Read them for yourself and see if they somehow fit or make sense to where they are being applied.
Multiplex: being or relating to a system of transmitting several messages or signals simultaneously on the same circuit or channel

Multiplexes, Matrix, Maximizers, Multipliers, Mega
Here are the definitions that I picked from Websters Online Dictionary. Read them for yourself and see if they somehow fit or make sense to where they are being applied.
Multiplex: being or relating to a system of transmitting several messages or signals simultaneously on the same circuit or channel
a: rectangular array of mathematical elements (as the coefficients of simultaneous linear equations) that can be combined to form sums and products with similar arrays having an appropriate number of rows and columns
b: something resembling a mathematical matrix especially in rectangular arrangement of elements into rows and columns
b: something resembling a mathematical matrix especially in rectangular arrangement of elements into rows and columns
c : an array of circuit elements (as diodes and transistors) for performing a specific function
1 : to increase to a maximum
2: to make the most of
3: to find a maximum value of
4: to increase the size of (a window) to fill an entire computer screen
Multiplier and Mega are pretty self descriptive.
1 : to increase to a maximum
2: to make the most of
3: to find a maximum value of
4: to increase the size of (a window) to fill an entire computer screen
Multiplier and Mega are pretty self descriptive.
Now, do any of these 'M' Words make much sense in the way they are being used on these ads? Maybe. But my opinion is that these are words like downline, multi level, and network marketing, dressed up and cooler sounding. Why take part in Network Marketing if you could Join a Matrix? Or try to build a downline when you could play your hand in a vast Multiplex?!
Why the camouflage?
Since it was recognized that there is money to be made online (mid to late 90's), there have been so many scams attached to the original terminology. When most people hear or read the term 'MLM' they get a bellyache. Is that fair? No. But it's still true.
Are there dirty cops out there? Yes. Are they all dirty? No. Same idea. But if someone has dealings with a dirty cop, will they so easily trust the police again? Not if they are approached in the same way...
I think I made my point.
Why the camouflage?
Since it was recognized that there is money to be made online (mid to late 90's), there have been so many scams attached to the original terminology. When most people hear or read the term 'MLM' they get a bellyache. Is that fair? No. But it's still true.
Are there dirty cops out there? Yes. Are they all dirty? No. Same idea. But if someone has dealings with a dirty cop, will they so easily trust the police again? Not if they are approached in the same way...
I think I made my point.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Close but no Cigar!

- The pitch for the program was seemingly transparent, which is huge with me. That's what I look for. Tell me what you want me to do up front and don't waste my time!
- The word free was used about 1,000,000 times while watching the first introductory video, which took about 5 minutes or so. Then, if your fancy has been tickled, you can decide to be directed to another video that lays out the whole program. This video takes about 1/2 an hour, and is done with a seemingly honest approach. There wasn't some guy jumping around on a yacht screaming you'll make millions. In this video, you are taken through everything you'll need to know to get started. Throughout this time, the word free was used about 18,000,000 times. The good thing is, the host described why everything's free, and seemed to hide nothing.
- The payout seemed honest. I love that. Again, the host was up front about approximately how much you'll get paid, how often, etc...
- I was starting to get depressed but kept my chin up when I was instructed as to how you start, which is as follows:
- You give your e-mail and basic information. No problem. I already know what this is about, so I don't take issue with giving a little bit of info. It's the sites that demand your info in order to find anything out that I loathe. Junk mail central!
- Here comes the almost depressing part... You need to sign up with a few free to try products. Just make sure you cancel before the trial is over. OK, that explains the everything's free part. See one of my previous posts to learn what I feel about free to try. Why is this in my PRO's section? Because you don't have to keep doing it in order to continue with the program. You bite the bullet, do it, then move on and you can start making money by posting ads everywhere.
- There are several tools that they put at your disposal for marketing purposes. Sites are provided where you can advertise. Many familiar faces in that list.
- You can make money via convincing other people to do everything you just did. Why that is good is it seems like this company has put allot into this system, and everything is already created for you. you just do the footwork.
- Let's get back to those free trial offers because as I can see it, this is the only con that screams at me. As stated above, in order to move along making money (or at least being able to give it your best shot), you need to complete some free trials. In the video, you are kinda led to believe that there are plenty of free to try offers available to choose from, with some that you need to pay or purchase mixed in. Well I found it the other way around. There are many that cost, and at the time I checked it out, there were only a small handful that were completely free to try.
- Point system... In order to move on, you must have at least one point. Not bad... But the points for the free offers are less than half a point. I saw one for .35 of a point. So if you wanted to keep it free, you'd have to do several in order to achieve that point. The offers that cost of course give you the complete point. Now, if you really want to make money, there's yet one more bigger and better paying program that you need to complete offers for. The problem? They were more of the same thing.
I may have moved forward with it if there were free to try offers that caught my attention... Something I found interest in. But I wouldn't just for the sake of doing it. What if I got stuck with whatever I tried, either forgetting to or not canceling in time? Would it be something I would be willing to pay for otherwise?
I am in no way calling this company a fraud by the way... Like I previously stated, they were pretty up front about mostly everything. These are my observations & I made my own decisions by them. If you want to know who this company is, just to be sure you don't waste your time with this program, or maybe you like the sounds of it, let me know & I will tell you. But I'm not out to build up or break anyone down, so I'm not going to post the company's name.
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